How to Use Meat Cleaver?
A Meat cleaver is a necessary culinary equipment because of its broad, heavy blade, effectively cutting through difficult meats and bones. However, it takes skill and accuracy to learn how to use meat cleaver with precautions. Knives Hives offers quality blades to ensure reliability in every task.
Proper Grip and Control
To operate a meat cleaver efficiently, ensure you have a solid grasp on the handle with your dominant hand. Place your other hand on the blade's upper edge when more pressure is required. This grip lowers the chance of slippage and improves control.
Cutting Through Meat and Bone
When cutting through significant cuts or bones, apply controlled force in a downward motion. After positioning the cleaver over the area you want to chop, quickly pull it down after raising it a little. Lifting the cleaver higher before striking may be necessary to impart more power to harder bones.
Dicing and Slicing with Precision
A meat cleaver is helpful for:
Mincing herbs
Slicing vegetables
Smashing garlic
Heavy-duty chopping
Use the blade's edge to rock to make even cuts. Thanks to its weight, it can be chopped easily and with minimal pressure.
Safety Measures
To avoid sliding, always choose a robust cutting board. When handling materials, employ a claw grip and keep your fingers out of the way of the blade. A sharp cleaver is safer than a dull one because it lowers the possibility of sliding.
Maintenance and Care
To avoid rust, wash the cleaver with warm, soapy water after use and dry it as soon as possible. Store it securely in a magnetic strip or knife block to keep it long-lasting and sharp.
By becoming proficient in these methods, you can securely and efficiently learn how to use meat cleaver in your kitchen.